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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • MONO.KULTUR #44 Trevor Paglen - The Edge of Tomorrow
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 24 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
    Drahtheftung, sechs Blätter, gefaltet, in Antistatiktasche
  • Best known for his series on clandestine military bases and spy satellites, Trevor Paglen’s practice reaches far beyond museum walls. Instead, it encompasses a variety of disciplines. from image-making and installations to investigative journalism, writing, engineering, geography, and sound design. Along the way, Paglen challenges our traditional notions of fine art. He has published a number of books on the functioning of the US intelligence services, installed a series of Autonomy Cubes that allow access to the entirely anonymous Tor network, and is currently working on his own satellite to be launched into space in summer 2018. In a sweeping conversation with mono.kultur, Trevor Paglen talked about the volatility of truth, the dilemmas of the Anthropocene, and why Artificial Intelligence will not outlast humanity. True to its precious content, the issue comes in a Static Shielding Bag normally used for sensitive electronic products. In loose reference to computer coding as well as archival documents, it contains a main booklet with the text and excerpts from Paglen’s current cycle on machine vision, as well as six ‘attachments’ covering seminal projects from his career to date.
    Text von der Website.


  • Fotografija NR. 1 (35) 2018
Ort Land
  • [116] S., 27,5x23 cm, ISBN/ISSN 16487273
  • We are heading into a future where our choices will be shaped – if not outright determined – by algorithms and artificial intelligence. This coming state has been labelled “the new dark age” (James Bridle, 2018).
    It remains to be seen what this brings to photography, and vice versa.
    One thing, however, seems clear: photography, which has already changed significantly in the 21st century, is affected by – and in some important ways is part of – this development. This issue of “Fotografija” explores how programmes, apps and AI-related technologies shape and change the discourse of photography, challenging traditional boundaries of the medium.
    Various programmes and services – Google, Photoshop, Flickr, Snapchat, visual recognition, etc. – provide new tools to conceive image-making and think photographically. Technological interfaces not only deliver instruments for making work but can become the very logic for creating photographic series.
    The presented artists offer perspectives to raise questions and discuss these technological shifts. From dealing with traumatic events (Indrė Šerpytytė) and inaccessible sites (James Bridle) through technological mediation to playing with our expectations of an all-pervasive Photoshop manipulation (Erin E’Keefe). From exploring so-called smart surveillance systems (Esther Hovers) and censoring politically sensitive sites (Mishka Henner) to everyday glitches (Mantas Grigaitis). From playing with the copyrights of such collective websites as Flickr (Penelope Umbrico) to exploring the shared language of being in some of the most photographed places on earth (Thomas Albdorf). And from using Photoshop to create images (Aaron Hegert) to an image that is barely photographic (Zachary Dean Norman). The four essays (Kate Palmer Albers, Roksana Filipowska and Marijana Rayl, Ilaria Speri, Alise Tifentale) map out the works in broader social, historical and art contexts.
    In short, the works deal with our technologized world. They talk about being in the middle of changes that few have envisioned. Being so immersed, one can feel it (almost) hurts.
    Text von Paul Paper.
Stichwort / Schlagwort
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Kaltheuner Frederike, Hrsg.: Fake AI, 2021

  • Fake AI
Verlag Jahr
  • 205 S., 13x20,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781913824020
    Fadenheftung, Soft-Cover, "Meatspace Press"-Sticker (silbern)
  • Von der Vorhersage von Kriminalität bis hin zur sexuellen Orientierung - gefälschte und zutiefst fehlerhafte KI ist weit verbreitet. Inmitten dieser fieberhaften Hype-Atmosphäre hinterfragt dieses Buch den Aufstieg und Fall von KI-Hype, Pseudowissenschaft und snake oil.Es bringt verschiedene Perspektiven und Stimmen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und Ländern zusammen und stellt Verbindungen zwischen den Ungerechtigkeiten her, die durch unangemessene KI verursacht werden.
    Jedes Kapitel packt faule und schädliche Annahmen aus, die von Entwicklern bei der Konzeption von KI-Tools und -Systemen gemacht werden, und untersucht die existenziellen Grundlagen der Technologie selbst, um zu fragen: Warum gibt es so viele nutzlose und sogar gefährlich fehlerhafte KI-Systeme?
    Klappentext, mit DeepL übersetzt
    Die Problematik von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) wird in 16 Kapiteln von unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet:
    Kapitel 1: This book is an intervention
    Kapitel 2: AI Snake Oil, Pseudoscience and Hype
    Kapitel 3: Cheap AI
    Kapitel 4: The bodies underneath the rubble
    Kapitel 5: Who am I as data?
    Kapitel 6: The case for interpretive techniques in machine learning
    Kapitel 7: Do we need AI or do we need Black feminisms? A poetic guide
    Kapitel 8: How (not) to blog about an intelligent toothbrush
    Kapitel 9: Learn to take on the ceiling
    Kapitel 10: Uses (and abuses) of hype
    Kapitel 11: Talking heads
    Kapitel 12: What is a face?
    Kapitel 13: Why automated content moderation won’t save us
    Kapitel 14: Consolidating power in the name of progress: techno-solutionism and farmer protests in India
    Kapitel 15: When fintech meets 60 million unbanked citizens
    Kapitel 16: Algorithmic registers and their limitations as a governance practice
    The power of resistance: from plutonium rods to silicon chips
Erworben bei Meatspace Press

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