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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • MONO.KULTUR #41 Meg Stuart - Make the first move
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
    Drahtheftung, auf verschiedenen Papieren gedruckt
  • Meg Stuart’s work is not about the elegance and beauty of dance, or at least not in the conventional sense. It is about exploring the outer edges of movement, where bodies age, fail, and surrender, where individual spaces disintegrate and bleed into each other, where physical memories are exposed like open wounds. Meg Stuart’s work is located at the vanishing point where dance meets visual arts. Within just two decades, Stuart’s dance company Damaged Goods, which she founded in 1994, have produced a lengthy and diverse list of projects, ranging from countless full-length feature works to multi-disciplinary dance installations, improvisations, and films that spread far beyond the theatre stages of the world, into museum spaces, film festivals or the wide open street. With mono.kultur, Meg Stuart talked about her first physical memories, the healing power of dancing and the thrill of disorientation. Following Meg Stuart’s interest in abundance and complexity, the design discards all notions of top or bottom, left or right, with text and images set in different and ever-changing directions. A magazine as a physical object that wants to be handled and turned. Reading as a dance.
    Text von der Website.
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