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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • Prolog X3 - Heft für Zeichnung und Text - splitter, reste, fragmente, stücke, spuren - Sammeltüte
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 64 S., 24x16,6 cm, Auflage: 5, numeriert, 10 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 18674917
    Sammeltüte aus durchsichtigem Plastik mit Heft (Drahtheftung) acht Flyern und Postkarten, unterschiedliche Formate und Papiere, einem gestempeltem Zettel mit Nummerierung, mit Rechnung, auf Rückseite handschriftlich beschrieben. Alles in braunem Papierumschlag, mehrfach beklebt und bestempelt
  • Auflage der Zeitschrift: 400 Ex., 64 Seiten. Einladung zur Ausstellung im "Walden - Kunstausstellungen" Berlin, 29.01.-01.02.2015.
Stichwort / Schlagwort
Erworben bei Anton Schwarzbach


Kolar Alina / Plaza Lazo Maria Inés / Sochacki Paul, Hrsg.: Arts of the Working Class No. 03 - Restless Togetherness, 2018

  • Arts of the Working Class No. 03 - Restless Togetherness
Ort Land
  • 48 S., 35x26 cm, Auflage: 10.000, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Zeitungsdruck, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
  • Keep calm and abolish imperial pride, racial purity and class harmony
    Aus dem Booklyn-Archiv
    This third issue of our newspaper is dedicated to this year’s overwhelming number of anniversaries and its abysms. With curiosity we notice their paradoxical relationship with the present. It’s been ten years since the financial crash, but monetary values are not more balanced and speculation bubbles are bigger than ever. It’s been 50 years since LSD came into popular use, opening the doors of perception, but perception seems to be even narrower today than it was back then. It’s been 80 years since Austria’s annexation to Germany, and yet ‚The Sound of Music‘ is still remembered as a classic, sweetened depiction of resistance towards fascism’s expansion in Europe, rather than the fall of aristocracy, what it really was. It’s been 100 years since the end of the First World War and yet the struggle between Conservatism and Socialism has never been so prevalent. It’s been 200 years since Marx was born, and his work still remains a historical ideal rather than a reality.
    Text von er Webseite
Stichwort / Schlagwort
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Erworben bei Booklyn


  • HOSTING - Kapitel 5
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • [64] S., 19x12,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Gefaltete Einzelblätter, mit Gummiband zusammengehalten, Wendeheft.
  • Katalog zur Ausstellung HOSTING, 02.-31.07.2019, Berlin, im Rahmen von INTERIORS TO BEING.
    INTERIORS TO BEING takes visitors and invited artists into an intimate encounter within the homes, gardens and streets of Berlin as well as the lives of strangers.
    INTERIORS TO BEING spans time and space as a collective happening through the cityscape of Berlin. Six curators from Berlin have developed formats around the specifics of the work of a total of 51 artists and curators. The chosen formats range from traditional exhibitions, walks, salons and discussions to gatherings and performances.
    The project unfolds over the course of the month of July in six chapters that flow into one another, occasionally overlapping. INTERIORS TO BEING expands radically outwards, realizing half of its projects in Berlin’s public space.
    The city of Berlin is a partner of INTERIORS TO BEING as any curator or participating artists in the program would be. The cityscape functions anthropomorphically–with the city’s growth and continual change impacting the way artists move within it. INTERIORS TO BEING internalizes these changes through the framework of its community. All contributors to INTERIORS TO BEING are part of the extensive creative network of PICTURE BERLIN (founded in 2009, a not-for-profit artist initiated hybrid residency/art academy), which is a community made up of more than two hundred international artists and curators, two-thirds of whom are based in Berlin.
    The red thread running through all events is the dérive, a term devised by Situationist Guy Debord to describe an aimless wandering through different urban environments that leads to the development of a psycho-geographical awareness. This concept beautifully sums up the way INTERIORS TO BEING works as a project in the city of Berlin.
    Text von der Webseite.
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Plaza Lazo Maria Inés / Sochacki Paul / Kolar Alina, Hrsg.: Arts of the Working Class No. 21 - Around the world in 80 pages - Forced displacement issue - Tourism issue, 2022

  • Arts of the Working Class No. 21 - Around the world in 80 pages - Forced displacement issue - Tourism issue
Ort Land
  • 80 S., 35,2x25,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Lose ineinander gelegte Blätter, Druck auf Zeitungspapier.
  • AusgabeMai 2022. „Arts of the Working Class“ ist eine Straßenzeitung für Armut, Reichtum und Kunst. Sie erscheint alle zwei Monate und enthält Beiträge von Künstlern und Denkern aus verschiedenen Feldern und in verschiedenen Sprachen. Sie richtet sich an die Arbeiterklasse, also an alle, und es geht um alles, das allen gehört. Jeder, der sie verkauft, verdient mit. Jeder Künstler, dessen Arbeit beworben wird, gestaltet mit.
    Anniversary launch Issue 21. Arts of the Working Class is glad to invite you on June 8 to the launch of its fourth anniversary issue AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 PAGES. Organized in collaboration with Callie’s and a.p. Starting at 6.30 PM, the event will take a tour and discuss matters of tourism and forced displacement through the words and works of its contributors. The title of both the event and our latest issue take Jules Verne’s proto sci-fi book as a starting point for our shared research. Verne, the poet and writer whose narratives took us on a journey into imaginary and inconceivable worlds, left us with an invaluable lesson– we perceive the world in its entirety only through technology, the very same technology that can only be progressive if accessible to everyone, rather than as means for individual convenience.
    Text von der Webseite.
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