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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • MONO.KULTUR #39 Terre Thaemlitz - The Arrogance of Optimism
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
    Drahtheftung, auf verschiedenem Papier gedruckt, von rechts nach links zu lesen
  • Politics and the dance floor make for uneasy bedfellows, and it is this uneasiness that drives most of the work of Terre Thaemlitz, confronting head-on issues that are usually off limits in electronic music. Thaemlitz is a producer and DJ, also known under their monikers of DJ Sprinkles, Social Material, and K-S.H.E, among others. But they are also a writer, educator and activist of sorts, with very fluid notions of gender, switching continuously between male and female drag. Born in 1968, Terre Thaemlitz left the rigidly conservative and violently homophobic environment of their home state, Missouri, in the mid-1980s for New York. They became involved in the queer and transgender scenes both socially and musically at a time when house music was not a genre but simply the wide open sound of a specific social and political space. As New York’s underground queer music scenes dissolved under gentrification, Thaemlitz eventually relocated to Tokyo at the beginning of the ’00s. In a challenging interview with mono.kultur, Terre Thaemlitz talked about the politics of sexuality, his disillusion with the music industry, and why roller disco was so amazing. Visually, the issue is a dark affair, steeped in a dirty, gritty black. Printed on no less than six different paper stocks and juxtaposing several grids and graphic systems, it creates its own visual logic – only to disturb our most fundamental habits of reading and navigating a magazine by opening backwards, from right to left.
    Text von der Website.
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